Black Bread, Bread, Pumpernickel, Whole Wheat Bread

The 10 best foods for beautiful skin

In order to counteract dry, cracked or rough skin, you should not only rely on creams, because proper nutrition is also important for the supply of the largest human organ. EAT SMARTER presents you with ten foods for beautiful skin.

This is what our expert Christina Wiedemann says

1   pumpernickel
2   walnut
3   avocado
4   Low-fat meat
5   Sunflower oil
6   Dark chocolate
7   kiwi
8   horseradish
9   broccoli
10 Mineral water

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Radiant skin thanks to nutrition? Exactly, because our diet has a great influence on the complexion of the skin. Certain foods are considered true beauty foods for the skin. We'll tell you here which foods ensure a glowing complexion and soft, beautiful skin and how they work in the body.

Food for beautiful skin: pumpernickel

The dark bread has been forgotten a little. It is so healthy. Pumpernickel is made from sourdough and the whole grain is carefully treated so that it is particularly gentle and a perfect food for beautiful skin.

Compared to pumpernickel, white flour products with a high glycemic index cause blood sugar levels to rise and fall quickly. This increases the production of sebum and can trigger acne and skin inflammation. With pumpernickel and foods with a high whole grain content, however, the blood sugar level rises more slowly and remains constant for longer. Pumpernickel also contains many B vitamins and the important beauty minerals potassium, magnesium, iron and selenium.

Food for beautiful skin: walnut

Maybe there are some walnuts left from the Christmas plate. Then you should grab the nutcracker now. Nuts contain an ideal combination of calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron, as well as the cell protection vitamin E. The zinc they contain makes walnuts a food for beautiful skin, as it supports wound healing and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects (1).

Pantothenic acid is particularly important - it ensures smooth skin. Walnuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fatty acids can prevent inflammatory processes in the body and on the skin. You can read here what else makes walnuts healthy.

Food for beautiful skin: avocado

The high proportion of healthy fats in avocados ensures smooth and beautiful skin. A study with over 700 women was able to show that the healthy unsaturated fatty acids in avocados in particular have a positive effect on the complexion: The skin appears more elastic and remains supple (2).

Sun worshipers shouldn't go without avocados either. Initial scientific studies have shown that components of the avocado protect against harmful UV radiation and thus prevent wrinkles. The vitamin E contained in avocados also has an antioxidant effect and protects the skin against free radicals (3).

Food for beautiful skin: low-fat meat

A deficiency in vitamin B2 (riboflavin) can lead to cracked lips and corners of the mouth and dry skin in general. A lean steak helps against this. It also contains valuable zinc, which is also an important component for a good vitamin supply for the skin. A zinc deficiency often manifests itself in inflammation of the skin or delayed wound healing (4).

Chicken and pork, with their high levels of vitamin B6, ensure an optimal protein metabolism and thus prevent inflammation, especially in the nose, eye and mouth area. If you don't eat meat, you can use vegetarian alternatives such as milk, wheat germ and whole grain products instead. For example, cabbage, green beans, potatoes, and lentils provide vitamin B6.

Food for beautiful skin: sunflower oil

Linoleic acid is important for the skin; a deficiency leads to rough or red areas. There is a lot of linoleic acid in sunflower oil and also in other vegetable oils such as corn oil and safflower oil. The high proportion of vitamin E prevents skin diseases. It also has a strengthening effect on the connective tissue (5).

In a pilot study with 50 healthy newborns, it was shown that sunflower oil has a positive effect on baby skin. The skin moisture values ​​of the newborns as well as the skin texture improved demonstrably (6).

Food for beautiful skin: dark chocolate

Everyone with a sweet tooth is happy: Chocolate is not only good for the soul, but also for our skin. In a twelve-week study it was shown that the regular consumption of dark chocolate can have a positive effect on the complexion. The study participants' skin appeared firmer, less sensitive and redness was reduced (7).

Because of its antioxidant ingredients, dark chocolate can also be harmful. Prevent the effects of UV radiation. For example, wrinkles caused by solar radiation can be minimized (8).

Tip: Use dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70 percent in order to achieve the highest possible effect and to keep the sugar content low.
Green Kiwi Fruit

Food for beautiful skin: kiwi

A lack of vitamin C affects the healing of wounds in the skin.Vitamin C is an essential component for beautiful skin, as it is required by our body for collagen formation. Collagen is a protein that keeps our skin firm and healthy.

A study with over 4,000 women confirmed the positive effects of vitamin C on the skin: a high intake of vitamin C through food can counteract wrinkling and age-related dryness of the skin (9).
Horseradish, Sea Ret Ich, Diving Mask, Spice, Sharp

Food for beautiful skin: horseradish

The sharp root is a natural antibiotic. Horseradish contains mustard oils that stimulate blood circulation in the skin and have a practically disinfectant effect from the inside. Its antioxidant properties make horseradish a particularly healthy food for beautiful skin. The horseradish root works against oxidative stress and can prevent cell damage (10). For optimal effectiveness, it is best to use horseradish fresh.

As healthy as it is to eat horseradish, horseradish should not be used directly on the skin. Although horseradish is often recommended as a home remedy for hyperpigmentation as a face mask due to its bleaching properties, the mustard oils it contains can cause severe skin irritation when used externally.
Green Broccoli Vegetable on Brown Wooden Table

Food for beautiful skin: broccoli

Broccoli is a real miracle cure for our skin. The green vegetables are bursting with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc that beautify the skin. Broccoli also contains lutein, a carotenoid that acts similarly to beta-carotene and protects the skin from wrinkling caused by oxidative stress.

But healthy broccoli has even more to offer: The sulforaphane it contains has been proven in scientific studies to be an effective component of collagen formation and a preventive effect against skin cancer (11).

Close-up of Bottle Pouring Water on Glass

Food for beautiful skin: mineral water

Adequate fluid intake is important for the metabolism of the skin. The skin excretes half a liter of water every day, and even more with physical exertion. In order to support the skin as the largest human organ in its tasks, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day. Mineral water is best suited for this, because it creates a balanced electrolyte balance.

A study by the Berlin Charité has shown that mineral water can also make your skin look beautiful: those who drink water support the vitality of their skin. A positive effect sets in about ten minutes after drinking. With the hydration, the skin is better supplied with blood and supplied with more oxygen. The resulting increased metabolic activity supports the protective function of the skin. This makes the skin appear fresher overall (12).