#Skin care: How to take care of your skin so that it is soft to the touch

With these tips you will care for your skin beautifully and softly! Here we present you the latest products & news about skin care!

Regardless of whether you have oily, dry skin or combination skin, the right skin care routine is essential to make you feel good about your skin. We'll tell you what you can do about pimples and have great tips for beautiful skin. Take the test and find out what skin type you are! You will also find the best products for your perfect skin care on Mädchen.de! The skin's protective acid mantle, also known as the hydrolipid film, protects the skin from germs, pollutants and all external attacks. It also ensures that the skin is smooth and supple. The protective acid mantle is made up of horn scales, sweat, sebum and microparticles. Together they form an acidic environment with a pH value of 4.0-6.5. The protective acid mantle is created primarily through sweating. The human skin is densely populated by bacteria, also known as skin flora. These bacteria have two important functions. They train our immune system and protect against harmful germs. Incorrect, intensive or frequent cleaning, i.e. too hot water, when using cleaning agents, the protective acid mantle of the skin can be destroyed and thus the natural balance of the skin flora. But the daily washing lotion can also attack. What is the pH? The pH value indicates how acidic or basic a particular aqueous solution is. The scale ranges from 1 to 14. 0 to 6 denote the acidic environment (0 most acidic, 6 less acidic). 8 to 14 indicate the basic values ​​(8 slightly basic, 14 very basic). The value 7 is the neutral size. The natural pH value of human skin is roughly between 5.3 and 6.5 - and therefore in the acidic range. That is why one speaks of the protective acid mantle of the skin.

This will make your skin nice and soft
What really helps and what can you forget? Check our care tips for beautiful skin.

Skin test
There are great products for the skin, but you need to know which is the right care product for you. Take the test: what skin type am I?

Dry or greasy?
Whether you have dry skin or rather oily skin: We tell you what is important in skin care and what you should look out for when buying cosmetics.

Skin changes & diseases
The skin is the largest human organ and is exposed to numerous stresses and environmental influences every day. The natural protective mantle of the skin does not always manage to withstand these influences. Sunburn, too much chemistry in shower gels and lotions, poor nutrition - all of this attacks our skin. Skin diseases are no longer uncommon these days. Numerous fungi and bacteria lead to unpleasant changes in the skin. A blood sponge is a congenital skin change. The small vessels of the skin, the capillaries, form red, ball-like growths and bulges in different sizes. Chloasma is discoloration of the skin on the face. This skin change is yellowish to brownish and of irregular shape and size. Couperose is caused by small varicose veins in the veins in the skin of the face, colloquially known as "burst veins". The veins shimmer reddish-bluish through the skin and often form web-like appearances. Vascular spiders are new blood vessels. They consist of a small, red point-like vascular nodule that is slightly raised and usually just as big as the head of a pin. From there, small vessels stretch outwards like a spider web. Giant grains are small, only one to two millimeters large white nodules, so-called cysts, which are filled with sebum. They lie under the skin and are more common in girls and older people. Varicose veins are veins that have widened and lengthened. The blue veins also sometimes show knot-like thickenings in some areas and occur mainly on the legs. Liposomes are small spheres that consist of a fat shell and a water core. They protect the skin by increasing its barrier function. They also provide moisture. Melanoma is the term used to describe "black skin cancer", which is characterized by brown or black skin spots or lumps similar to liver spots. Scars are replacement tissues that the body makes to close wounds. There are hypertrophic scars - thickened scars; Atrophic scars - sunken scars; dilated scars and keloid - excessive scarring.