Exercises to do every day in just 5 minutes

Exercises to do every day in just 5 minutes
She is the queen of excuses, there is no other like it ... time. We are unable to find willpower, I mean ... desire to train ... which is reality. Any excuse is fine but this is not an excuse, "I really don't have time ...". The good thing is that other people tell me just the opposite with the same excuse of time, "Marcos, I have ridiculous time to do something, do you think I can do something profitable?" Guess my answer ... "of course. What you do you earn and what you don't do you lose!"

As always, even a five-minute workout can bring many benefits, but it must be designed competently, based on personal goals and fitness. Lack of time is often compounded by the lack of a clear objective. It seems incredible but if I ask your first objective ... generally you will answer something like this: "legs, adductors, gluteal waist and arms". Let's be honest, in five minutes we can do a lot of things but magic, for now, no. However, with a proper selection of exercises, we are almost able to do it.

Exercises to do every day in just 5 minutes

1. Magic exercise: my favorite whatever your goal. The scrolling with step back. A single exercise in which you will train from the waist down. Or rather, and playing with the words, "everything below the waist." Complete leg: gluteus, thigh in front, behind and inner face. In addition, the calf is key although not the main protagonist.

How to do it?

Standing with your hands on your waist, take a half step back with the intention of bringing your back knee to the ground. Just before touching it, return to the starting position and now you have two options: the first, repeat with this same leg until completing the series, and die of stiffness if you don't usually train; the second, alternate one repetition with each leg until completing the series. It is important that you keep your trunk upright. A good trick is to look straight ahead and slightly upward.

2. Knees to the ground: Take the air when you bring your knee to the ground and release it when you go to the starting position. Do up to four sets of 12 reps. But between series and series ... take a little "break" doing planks with the support of your hands. From a position on all fours, with your hands supported and arms outstretched, extend one leg and then the other to form a straight line from ankle to shoulder passing through the hips… don't leave them too close to the ceiling… or near the ground. Breathe naturally and hold as long as you can until each 30 second set is completed. Do not forget to look straight ahead, approximately to the area where you have your hands.

What will you work here? Do it and you will know.

The training format is this:

Exercise 1 + exercise 2 + 30-second pause. Complete all four series. Of course, the five minutes do not end here. Monday, Wednesday and Friday do these exercises and the rest of the days, climb as many stairs as possible. Be consistent and surprise yourself in just three weeks.